Attention electricians, technicians and engineers...
...if I offered to help you become totally confident with PLC programming and troubleshooting:
So you canĀ upgrade your career into controls & automation and increase your income by $15-$35k...
Without you needing to purchase PLC hardware OR software
Without you needing to take time off work
Within the next 6 months
...would you take me up on it?
Click below to learn more and see if you're a good fit to work with us to upgrade your career into controls & automation along with a $15-$35k pay increase.
Thanks for your interest in our PLC training & coaching program.
If you want to work closely with us help to get to your goal of upgrading your career into PLC programming/industrial automation ASAP, this is THE program for you. Click here to watch the presentation to learn more about this opportunity.